Coinmarketcap, the platform for scammer to become millionaires | English

If an independent investigation is conducted, it will be proven that millions of dollars, or perhaps billions of dollars, of people’s assets have been stolen by digital currency fraudsters around the world. It may be hard for you to believe that tens of thousands of dollars of people’s capital are wasted every night by newly created and launched currencies. Coinmarketcap is one of the best platforms that comes to the aid of fraudsters unintentionally but due to lack of commitment to citizens’ assets. In the continuation of this article, I will give more details in this regard. Unfortunately, no media has researched in this field so far. No court has warned Coinmarketcap that it has no anti-scammers program. If true justice prevails in the world, Coinmarketcap will have to pay billions of dollars in damages to victims, as it has become a breeding ground for thieves and swindlers around the world.

I hope that this article and this note will be read by an international journalist, a judge or a digital security official and will be an excuse to prevent the loss of funds of thousands of citizens around the world, at least in the future. As someone who has been monitoring the behavior of fraudsters at Coinmarketcap for two years, I am well aware that hundreds of homes have been destroyed by digital currency fraudsters. What lives have been ruined and what moments of happiness have become the saddest moments of people’s lives.

How does Coinmarketcap behave irresponsibly?

Most digital currency scams are done by newly created currencies because people turn to these currencies to make a profit. but how?

Before any other explanation I must briefly say that:

1. Scammers allow you to buy currency, but block its sale

2. You are buying currency and the scammer is selling the same currency

3. Brothers’ hats move the green and red charts up and down. That is, they empty the liquidity so that the currency faces a price reduction of more than 90 to 99 percent and can be seen in the “reduced prices” section. Sometimes they deliberately increase liquidity so that the currency can be seen in the “best” section of Coinmarketcap.

4. Scammers buy a currency as a group to encourage others to buy, but at the same time empty all assets.

And dozens of other methods …

But when you contact the management of Coinmarketcap and complain about the launch of counterfeit currency to the management of this website, what is their response? They will tell you that every currency is a scam in itself. With this answer, they escape responsibility. In those moments, they could not understand the plight of someone who has lost everything.

So far, no research has been done on the amount of + funds stolen by fraudulent currency makers, but the fact that the Coinmarketcap Market site has become a great platform for fraudsters can never be ignored.

Most scams in the Coinmarketcap market are done by people who generate new currency. Scammers first go to the following link on the Kevin Market Cup site. They simply complete the form created by this website. Coinmarketcap does not require any currency holder credentials to launch this new currency. For 2 years in a row, I examined all the behavior of the newly created currencies. Undoubtedly, I can say that about 40% of these currencies are scams. Forty percent of the statistics are very high and terrible.

But why do people trust?

The main problem is Coinmarketcap. Of course, people are right. They wonder how Coinmarketcap might allow a counterfeit currency to be launched? They believe that Coinmarketcap has received sufficient guarantees from the currency makers to introduce this currency. Has identified them and received assurances from them.

Anyway … I hope one day Coinmarketcap will be asked. They have ruined many lives.

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